So last week, I asked JB if Cleveland was at home on Sunday. He said they were, and asked if I wanted to go. I asked who they were playing...he tells me Buffalo. I said, sure, why not. So Sunday morning I got up early and met JB for the 4 hour trip to Cleveland.

JB has a routine on game day. He always parks in the same lot. Goes to the same bar before the game, and then makes the trek through the wind off Lake Erie to Browns Stadium.
Once inside we get a Jumbo Brown Dog, with Brown Mustard, and take our seats.
Once in the stands, you realize that Buffalo is only 3 hours away from Cleveland. That means a lot of Bills fans in the stands. And were they rowdy. Chants of "Let's Go Buffalo" were heard over and over again. Browns fans were cussing at Bills fans, Bills fans are saying things like "meet me in the parking lot after the game." It was kinda wild.
The game was a typical browns game. The fans in Cleveland are a different kind of fan. They will love their team win things are going good, and as soon as there is one bad play, they will turn on them. It is like a love hate relationship. It is fun to watch.
When all was said and done, Cleveland lost 24-14. So following JB's tradition, we went back to his favorite bar for about an hour, and then as we leave Cleveland it means a stop by Outback. Once we feed, time for the long drive home. It is always good time in Cleveland, even if they lose!
When they lose, the fans are made, but they always seem to come back. Last year a comedian filmed himself in front of Brown Stadium. It pretty much puts in all in perspective!