Well, I have done both of those in previous posts, so this time, lets get right to it!
Work has been crazy. We got through the holidays. Lots of fun stuff around here, from "Topping off the Trailer", Angel Tree with the Salvation Army and a whole lot more.
Got through the New Year, and then around a month ago, we had a big change in the Morgan household.

Yes, that is a cast on Eli's leg. So how did it happen? If you ask Eli, he will tell you..."Daddy did it." It is true, I did do it. Now, before you call Child Protective Services, let me explain.
We were at a birthday party for one of our friends kids. They have a big heated garage, and that is where the part was. It was winding down, and we were planning on hanging out with them after the party.
So Eli was playing on a tricycle that was in the garage. Since it was too hard for him pedal...me being the great dad that I am, I start pushing him around the garage on the tricycle. Oh what great fun we were having, UNTIL....
Eli's left foot comes off the pedal, goes between the pedal and the wheel, and twists around. As you are cringing reading that, just imagine the fright that I had when I look down and see it. So we get him out...he is screaming. We take the shoe and sock off the foot...and he is not calming down at all.
After a few minutes of trying to get him to calm down, we decide to take him to E.R. On the way to the hospital, he falls asleep in the back seat. So we are thinking, maybe just a sprain. After X-Rays, the doctor comes in and lets us know that it is indeed broken. They put a splint on his leg, and send us home. A few days later we have to go see a specialist about his leg. He lets us know that he has to re-set the bone. This involves him being put under anesthesia.
He goes through the procedure just fine. And now he has a "red Boo-Boo leg." So he can't walk on it, so there is a lot of crawling, and a lot of carrying our heavy two-year old. But it is not slowing him down one bit. He is climbing up on furniture, playing with our dog, and doing all the things a two year old would do. So this is just something we have to get through, and I think Eli will come away just fine!
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