So I have from time to time in my life thought about getting a tattoo. A microphone on my arm would be really cool. Maybe a set of headphones. I mean it goes with my profession. Then the thought in my head enters...what if I not in radio the rest of my life. I would have to explain to my grandkids why there is a big ugly microphone on my arm.
I mean, sometimes you get a tattoo because it is something you care about. Maybe something in honor of someone who died. Maybe your Mom. Maybe your wife. Your kids. OK. A few of those make since.
But when people start going nuts, it makes me step back and think...OK, I am going to have this the rest of my life. Why would I do this...want some examples....of course y

OK. I like my beer as much as the next guy. But really, that is the only 6-pack he is ever gonna get drinking PBR!

OK....so I wonder if he has all his body parts labeled?

This has to be her "Dis-Knees"

Hey...I found WALDO...that is really funny to me!

OK...all I can say is WHY???
So after seeing how horribly wrong tattoos can go...I think I will stay INK Free for the time being.