So it seems like forever since I gave you an Eli update. He is now almost 16 months old and turning into quite a ham! He is getting to be so much fun. He has his funny face that he loves to make. As you can see it is pretty funny!
Most recently he has started climbing. And when I mean climbing, I mean, climbing onto anything he can. Our huge ottoman is one of his favorite things to stand on. Any chair, table or person that doesn't move too quick he is going to climb all over it. So instead of writing too much, I thought I would just post a bunch of Eli Cuteness!

Crusin' on a trike / Sittin' in his Elmo Chair

Chillin in the outdoor furniture in Meijer / Showin' his favorite team!

Helpin do dishes!
So as you can see he is getting big and fun.
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