OK, not the circus, but life feels like I have been thrown to the lions. But in a good way.
There have been some major changes at work. First and for most we are now live and local through the day! This is something I was wanting for years. We now program all the music locally, and we have local jocks here. Yee-Haw!
Plus we have a new station website. We are still filling in all the gaps there, but all in all it is GREAT!
In my personal life...Sarah is back to work after being a stay-at-home mom for 10 months. That was a hard change for her. She misses spending the day with Eli, but some days she is happy to get out of the house.
Eli is back in Daycare, and loving it...most of the time. He is also in "pre-school" at Day Care. He is counting on his own, trying to do the alphabet, and growing up REALLY fast.
We recently went to a pumpkin patch, he gave me another black eye and more to come in posts coming to a blog near you.
All a fun part of my life in Headphones.
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