Yeah, another black eye. About a month ago, Eli got me again.
This time, playing on the bed in the "Man Cave." Yes, I have a Man cave in the house, and the bed is there for all the times I make Sarah mad.
So it was about bed time, and Eli and I were back in the man cave playing. We were hiding under a blanket so he didn't have to go to bed. He thought this was very funny. I tell him to yell at mommy.
So Eli pops up from under the blanket. "Mooooooommmmmmmmmy!!!"
From the other end of the house, Sarah yells back, "Eli, I'm gonna get you"
Eli grabs the blanket, and flings himself back onto the bed to hide under the blanket.
BAM. Back of his hard little head into my eye socket.
After I stop seeing stars, I slowly get up out of the bed, and grab a bag of ice, sitting there thinking, yep, he got me again.
I love it when people would say to me, "So what's the other guy look like" I say, "Short and cute with a hard little head"
A little preview, coming soon, a trip to the pumpkin patch, and a trip to Oubache State Park.
the first step is denial! lol