"Got the golden shower yet?"
"Been Christened yet?"
"Has he got ya with his firehouse?"
And to all these up until a few days ago I said no! Diaper changes go quick with day. I have the new diaper opened up and laying on the edge of the changing table. A wipe out on on top of the wipe box. Undo the diaper, check it for the brown stuff, and then get a quick clean job. As I tuck the dirty wipe in the old diaper, I grab the new, and slap it on his little bottom. Another successful diaper change with no accidents. Now, once he got the wall with me in there, and once he started to pee just as I opened the diaper. But last week he finally got me.
We started the little one on baby food. They tell you to start with green vegetables. So we got a full line. Green Beans, and Peas. The green beans didn't go so well. So we did them for a couple of days and switched to Peas. He loved them! He would eat them right up. Usually baby food time was at the 5pm feedings. So the wife feeds him. One day last week his schedule was a little off. So the food time was bumped to 4. Mommy is not home for that one, so daddy had to try and manage. I get the bib, put him in his bumbo ( you will have to see my wife's blog if you don't know what this is) and get the peas.

With a mouth full of peas...he looks up and dad and PHfffffffffff. That funny lip buzz that Eli does from time to time. We are talking peas all over him. From head to foot. All over dad, including the glasses! This is the only time I have been Pea'd on! Not sure which would be worse!
I think I should just stick to giving him the bottles!
Loved this story.....FUNNY!