I have to start off by saying I never thought this would happen to me. I never considered myself stereotypical. But read on, you might think I am becoming that guy.
This week was a really busy week for me. Monday just was Monday, but the rest of the week had me gone from home a lot. Tuesday I had a board meeting at our Credit Union. So the meeting forced me away from home for couple of hours on Tuesday evening. Wednesday was the going away party for our boss at the radio station. We had the party Wed. evening at the Icehouse. And just a side note, Dave we are going to miss you around the station, but good things can come from change! So I was gone for about 2 and a half hours Wednesday evening as we said farewell to Dave. Thursday I worked over so I could broadcast from a "Fish and Tenderloin Fry." I was not gone all evening, but I was away from the family more than I normally am. And Friday was the mother of all long days. Every Friday in May we have all day broadcasts to help the fundraiser for Cancer Services of Grant County. I will get into that more in a later blog. But, I was at work from 5AM through about 7PM. That makes for a long day. All week all I wanted to do when I got home was eat, play with Eli for a few minutes, and then go to bed.
I know it sounds like I am complaining, but really, I love what I do, and the extra money comes in handy. That was not the stereotypical part of my story. That happened Saturday.
So I get the chance to sleep in a little. I am super excited about that. But Saturdays are my day to get up with Eli, and let Sarah sleep in. I figure it is the least I can do to help her out after she does it all week.
So at around 7am, I hear Eli on the monitor waking up. Before he wakes all the way up, I slip out of bed, so Sarah can keep sleeping. I turn off the monitor and make my way to the living room. After a quick check of Facebook (what can I say, I am addicted to Farkle) I sit down to watch some of my DVR'd episodes of Pawn Stars. Sarah doesn't like this show, so I have to watch it when she is gone or asleep. After about 20 minutes, I hear Eli jabbering, so I go back and get him. We finish Pawn Stars (which is becoming one of my favorite shows), and then we switch it over to Sesame Street. Then onto Handy Manny, and Mickey Mouse Club House. Of course we have breakfast, and then Sarah gets up.
After a relaxing morning, I decide to mow the lawn. So as I mow, Sarah and Eli play on the front porch. After the yard looks good, it's back into the house for a shower so we can get ready for date night.
So I just feel like that is what every stereotypical dad does on Saturday. Morning cartoons, mow the lawn, and take the wife out on a date before you head off to church Sunday morning. So am I turning into a stereotype? If I am, that is okay, because I love my life, In and Out of Headphones!
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