Friday, July 10, 2009
Where have I been?
Well, in May we always help out Cancer Services of Grant Co. We help them raise over 14 thousand dollars to help local cancer patients. It is something that we are very proud of here at the station. Every Friday in May we stand in "high-traffic" intersections in Grant Co. and collect spare change. All throughout the day we also do live broadcasts from local sponsors. It is a big undertaking, but the overall outcome is worth the work. So that tied up a lot of my time in May
In June we kick off our Colgate Country Showdown. This is a nation-wide talent search the station gets involved with. It consisted of 3 prelim. rounds, followed by the finals. Week 1 was really great. We were in Downtown Marion for the prelim. round, and after our showdown, my buddies "Flynnville Train" put on a fabulous show for the festival. What a fun night! The following weeks were just as much fun. Then the finals ended up at the Grant Co. Fair. It was a hot day setting up equipment, and getting all set with the two bands, and 10 solo acts. After it was all said and done, we need to congratulate Charis Baitler, our local winner. She will move on to the State Finals at the Indiana State Fair in August.
So that moves up into July. And besides work, Eli is about to turn 7 month old. He started crawling about 3 weeks ago, and he is getting sooooooo big.
I promise to post some new pics of Eli. We just got his 6 month pics back, and he is so cute!
This weekend will be a biggie. Saturday is Sarah's (my wife), my mom, and my brother's birthday. Yes all on Saturday! So needless to say, I need to do some shopping and get ready for the big birthday bash. Plus we have our annual Volleyball match for the Tiki doll trophy...I will tell you more about that on Monday!
Sorry for the long delay between posts, but I promise to try harder!
So, for now, back to my Busy Life in Headphones
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I Finally Got Pea's On!

Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Last Straw!

Is it just me, or do kids have no respect for anyone else these days? They might have a granola bar for breakfast. Actually I can tell you they do. Also freezer pops, boxes of dry cereal, and toast. I am not here when the kids get there, I know this because I find the trash in my yard when I get home. This really drives me crazy, but I was understanding about this.
When Sarah was off work on maternity leave, she found out something else that the little kids were doing. Sleeping in our bedroom (which is the room closest to the bus stop) she was roused from her slumber by a loud thud. And kids screaming. So she drags herself out of bed, and peeks out the window. The kids are playing tag, and guess what is base....our house. Thud....I am safe! So Sarah peeks her head out, and nicely asks the kids to stop.
This is not the last straw, but I just found out about it. Our mail box is right there on the same corner as the bus stop. My neighbor tells me the other day, he will look out and see those kids just pulling the mailbox from side to side, trying to get it out of the ground. So again, one morning Sarah asks the kids not to do it. Of course they look at her like she is evil!
But last week was the final straw. Sarah wakes up to let the dog out before she gets ready for work. As she opens the door, looks out at the kids at the bus stop, and there a boy using our tree as a urinal. We are not talking about a little 1st grader...this is a 3rd or 4th grade boy that knows better. And it would have been different if he was the only kid at the bus stop, but there are more than just him there. What the hell is wrong with kids these days?
This of course sparked calls from my wife to the superintendents office, which we were assured that the bus stop would be moved. We are still waiting on that!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Boogety, Boogety, Boogety!
Another Thursday lunch deliever! This time I got to go to a fun little place. The local dirt track! I usually try to take the Subway sandwiches to them opening week. And they were suppose to race this past friday night, but they were rained out. Darn the luck! For a long time I have really enjoyed racing. Not so much the indy cars, but NASCAR, and even the local dirt tracks around the area. These are the guys that work on their cars all week in their garages, and try to go out and win a little spending money! This track is a beautiful track!
So if you are ever near Gas City on a Friday night and see the lights and the dust, swing in for a good time. They have Sprint Cars, UMP Modifieds, Street Stocks and Thunder Cars. And from time to time they will have the Midgets, and mini-wing sprints! A whole lot of fun!
You can also check out their website here!
I love it when I get to hang out at all the fun spots for the lunch delievery!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Help the Hopeful

The event was started 17 years ago to help one little girl that had a brain tumor. The organizers were able to get the support of some local taverns, brewing companies and alcohol distributors. I know you are thinking...why are they involved. Well the organizer works for a liqour store chain. He has contacts there. They donated items and they were able to raise about $8000 for this little girl. The next year they decided to do it again, this time for a few kids. Again the brewerys came through huge donating coolers, chairs, grills, and more! Usually the kind of stuff you only see in the bars.

All in all over the last 17 years they have helped 128 children with major medical problems. The really incredible thing is that over the 17 years, every single penny has gone to the kids. Every single item is donated. Every person working is donating their time. It is so amazing to see the community come together at this event.
It is hosted at the local AmVets post. And when I say there is a lot of stuff there. You would not believe it! There are things people make. There are items that are donated year after year. It is truly incredible to see the generousity of this community.

So after the fudge I go looking again at some of the other items. I have for years wanted a Crown Royal Golf bad. Well, there were a ton of "booze" golf bags. Johnny Walker, Miller Beer, Dewars...Ohhhh, there is my Crown Royal Bag. I have tried to buy these in the past. They usually go for more than I am willing to spend. With a little less than an hour left before the auction starts, I have pretty good list of the thing I am interesting in buy. Sarah, the wife showed up and began looking over the items too.

One of the highlights each year are the Easter Bunnies. There are bunnies for each of the children. This year they were helping eight families that had their children at Riley, off to Minnesota, and all over the country for treatment for their ailments. Each child has a bunny. And they are auctioned off, knowing that if you win the auction, you pay the money, and then give the bunny to the child. And if you choose, you can get your picture with the child if they are in attendance. Some of the kids were there, and some were at the hospitals. Eight different times during the day, a family member stepped forward, either with the child, or alone, and talked about the challenges the kids are going through. Then the auction starts. I can tell you that every bunny went for at least two thousand dollars. One went for $3300, and the highest bunny to date went for an incredible $4100. All this money is given right to the families. Needless to say, even a tough macho guy like me had tears in his eyes!
After Bunny #2, one of the organizers got up for an announcement. Over the 17 years a lot of money has been raised. A lot of money that goes right to these needy children. But this year was huge milestone.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Getting involved
Back in July, I moved back to the town I grew up in. It was really exciting to remember all the things I did when I was a kid, like climbing the grain towers at the feed mill, climbing on the airplane in the park and hiding from the cops so we didn't get in trouble.
You were not suppose to get up there! It is funny. My best friend growing up lived right down the alley from the Airplane park. Now, I live right on the same alley. I guess it was meant to be.

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Food delivery
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Ring in Spring!

So the quote of the day had to go to Sarah. As we were getting ready for church, Eli was crying in the big chair, and she looked at him and said..."No Cryin' when you are wearin' Hawaiian!" It that not a classic quote for all time!
So we have one set of matching shirts. I think I am going to have to talk to my mother-in-law (even if I don't want to)(j/k) about making Eli and I a few more shirts. What do you think?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Eli's first walk.

Monday, March 16, 2009
An all american weekend.
Kinda slept in on Saturday. Got up, got the boy out of bed, and fixed him a bottle. He was extra smiley! That was good, because after we got showered up, we head out to get his 3 month pictures taken. He was extra cute. I can't wait to post them! They are so good. After the pictures we did a little shopping at the Meijer. I can't wait until the one here in Marion opens! Well, after spending too much money (how american in that) we headed to the house. I grabbed a quick lunch, and headed out to the driveway. Had to get the blazer up on the ramps to change the oil.
I am no ASE certified mechanic, but I can do a few things to a car. One is change the oil. So I get her up on the ramps, get my cardboard to lay on. And trust me, I got cardboard. After moving this summer, we have all the boxes from unpacking. Plus boxes from a new fridge, stove, dishwasher, baby stuff...the list could go on and if ya need some cardboard boxes let me know. Anyway, back to the oil change. Things went fine. No real problems. Got it all back together, and cleaned up. Now we have to get the house cleaned up. We have company on the way!
A Saturday afternoon and evening, perfect for a cook out. Our friends, Farmboy and Farm girl just happen to work for a dairy farm. And if a cow dries up, or doesn't produce milk...guess what....Steaks! And they are good steaks. They bring them over and let me cook them up. Now...I don't like to brag, but I am pretty good on the grill. And not any "gas" grill. Charcoal is the only way to grill out. Maybe I will have to write a blog on the proper way to prepare steaks on the grill. I pull the steaks off the grill, and we all sit down for a great meal.
Now our Farmboy and Farmgirl have two kids. A two year old, and an eight month old. So it was a lot of fun. Farmboy had never played a Wii. And I didn't think he was going to. Farmgirl, Sarah and I all start a game of bowling. Ofcourse I won the first one. After that, the scores didn't reflect my other words...I lost. Well, the women went to change the diapers on their respective children. We are sitting talking, and Farmboy says...Maybe I should try to bowl a game. He love it! After about an hour of the Wii, their oldest got a little tired, so they headed home. And I was ready for bed too after a long day!
Sunday we get up for Church. A great service at Hanfield UMC. As you walked into the church you could smell the garlic bread. I record the announcements for them. So I knew that they were having a spagetti dinner after service. I love spagetti, so we had a great lunch with all of our church family. We head home and get started on laundry. I know what you are thinking. Me, do laundry. And yes, I help....a little. Mostly I fold. I hate to fold laundry.
After a few loads, we head to my mom and dad's house for dinner. But we went early so I could go play with my new "toy." My new 9mm handgun. Target shooting with my Dad and brother was a great time. We went through some brass! A ton of fun. The weekend ended with Sarah and I watching a little TV before going to bed to get back to my "Life in Headphones"
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Eli would like to show you the new furniture!
Dad moves the old couch and love seat to the other side of the living room. The reason furniture. Now, the old furniture was a pain in the butt. The love seat was a rocking reclining love seat. So it had all the hardware for two recliners underneath. Kinda heavy! And then the couch also had recliners on both ends! Really heavy. But since Sarah was at work, and the new furniture was going to be here before she got home.
So we get it all moved in, and Eli thought he would like to show it to you. So I turn things over to the little guy!
So this is my Daddy's new recliner! It is great. I love for him to feed me in this chair. Plus you can't see it, but on the other side, it has a holster for the remote, because, even at only three months old, I know the remote belongs to the man of the house. As soon as I can figure out how to use it, it will be mine! Lets move on to Mom's new chair...
It is called a "Pod Chair." It is big as you can tell. It also spins. I can't wait until I am bigger and get to spin and spin and spin. I am sure my dad will make it lots of fun!
Well, my daddy loves to take a nap, if I let him! So we needed a good nap couch! The one that matches the pod chair was here is it!
It is so big and comfy! I love it. But I saved my favorite for the end! The ottoman! You can see it a little bit above, but here is what I love it for!
It is great just to lay on! Love it for that. Even sometimes my daddy lays beside me and tells me about his day! So I hope you like my mommy and daddy's new furniture. I am glad you got a chance to see it before I spit up all over it! Keep listening to my daddy's Life in Headphones....
Monday, March 9, 2009
Our home improvement shopping spree!

So with the stove the range hood didn't match since it was white too. So we got that, and got it all installed on Saturday. After all the work was done, I was ready for a break. Luckily I also got something new!

Yes, Big John got a brand new recliner. Ohhhh my gosh is it heaven to lay back in. And I think my favorite feature you can't see. On the other side is the holster for the remote control! So I got this to go with our new furniture that gets delivered Tuesday. I will have to post some pics of that when we get it all put it.
The Shopping Spree continues I guess.
So after installing all this stuff, and moving out old furniture, you can bet I was glad to get back to my "Life in Headphones"
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A busy weekend

Well, the next day we got up and cleaned the house. This is a normal Saturday morning thing, but this time we cleaned a little extra because Sarah's Brother's family was staying the night. You will understand why in a little while. They have two boys. They are 8 and 5. So we played the Wii, the PS2 and guitars. It was a lot of fun.
They stayed the night so they could get up and go to church with

Eli was so good. He didn't cry or anything when Pastor Tim baptized him. He just looked really cute in his little outfit!
Here are some more photos from the service.

Afterward we all went to my parents for a nice Sunday dinner. We are talking dinner for like 25 people, but my mom loves to cook. At the dinner, our friends had their son there. He is about 5 months older than Eli...We think they are going to be buddies...what do you think?

Friday, February 27, 2009
Friday Night Party With Flynnville Train!
My wife was at a father/daughter dance and my mother-in-law was watching our new baby, so I had a free night to go and see Flynnville Train! They are a group of local guys that were signed to Toby Keith's Record Label Showdog Records!
I met the band through another artist friend of mine. He was a singer, but needed a band, so he would hire these guys without the singer. It worked out really well. Since Flynnville Train might be new to you, let me introduce you to the guys!

That leave Mr. Tim Beeler. Rockin' the big ol' Bass Guitar. Tim has even been known to step up to the mic with some harmony vocals. Plus you should see when Brent and Tim get going on some of the instrumentals that they come up with!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A Station Tour...

As you walk in you see the front counter. People who win prizes get about this far, and then we stop them. You can see Ed, our afternoon host, poppin' up like a gopher. He also is responsible for writing most of the copy for all our commercials, and he also is a sports nut. He does play-by-play for all the sports we cover. Ed has been in radio for 30 plus years. He has worked from Indiana to Wisconsin and all place between!

And I couldn't do my job it I didn't get paid for it, so here is the sales office. These are the guys that sell the commercials so I can get a pay check! Thanks guys!

And when I am not doing production, or on the air, I get stowed away with the other jocks in our cubicles in the very back of the building. Here is a shot of those wonderful cubies...mine is the one all the way at the end!